lately, many of my girlfriends are expecting, and thankfully, i have received many cute pictures of the little angels who have joined the 2nd generation of our friendship.
on the other hand, little prince has just received this message from his best mate that they have lost their baby at 38-weeks. my heart sank, my tears started to drop uncontrollably, i went through the email again and again to make sure i read it correctly, but the news remained the same. if it was a shock for us to receive the news, i can't even begin to imagine what it was for them.
it's so difficult to comprehend god's plan in these situtations. i know in my head that god is soverign and has a better plan, but isn't he "compassionate and gracious, abounding in love"? do we have the right to be angry? this life was given by him, and when they were about to see the baby being delivered, he decided to take it away.
the book of job says, " the LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." it is indeed one of the most difficult lesson to learn.