Monday, April 30, 2007

Before Labor Day

The day before holiday is the best day to relax and to indulge. My friend made reservation at Inagiku in IFC for lunch which gave me something to look forward to in addition to the day-off.

We both ordered a tempura set, which came as no surprise. The biggest surprise (or disappointment) was the coffee I must have before I got back to the office for the rest of the afternoon. Not only was it not strong enough, it was a little pricey too.

I wouldn't complain because I only had half more day before the public holiday! Hurray!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

comfort food

週末早上十一時多才起床,有點餓,茶餐廳的早餐時段已過,惟有在家中找些comfort food。


life is good

Life is good when one could enjoy good food, good wine, and the company of good friends.

Little Prince made reservation for a very delightful dinner hosted by the celebrity chef Mr Alain Ducasse. Everything was just right that evening.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Where is the line?

Our pastor at church posted a question this morning as part of the new sermon series on the Book of Daniel -- "Where do you draw your line?" Or an even better question -- "Do you have a line?"

Friday, April 20, 2007

悠閒下午 – Pierre

友人生日想大吃一頓來慶祝一番,我急不及待訂了Pierre。剛開幕Pierre Gagnaire親自監督時,我幾經艱辛訂到位子跟少爺吃晚飯,嚐過名厨手勢,一直心思思想找借口再嚐美食。也試過business lunch到Pierre,覺得set lunch是中環區的good value,哈哈,又有藉口去,實在教人興奮。
那天set lunch的主菜分別有black cod和pasta,我們都不好意粉類,一伙兒吃魚去了。頭盤未到,先來了幾道餐前小吃 (友人說好像吃韓國菜),小吃並無驚喜,唯那banana puree每次試都覺得自己在吃baby food,他們應認真考慮更換另一款小吃。頭盤一共由三款食物組成 -- cuttlefish salad、zucchini ravioli及素菜清湯。Zucchini ravioli其實是用兩片zucchini夾着mozzarella cheese,雖然簡單,但伴着用青椒及菠蘿製的沙律,每種食材都揮發出本身的味道,聽起來覺得古怪,但放進口中卻又是出人意表的清甜。主菜的black cod以野米汁作伴,看起來有點像紫米露,我們都帶着懷疑的態度嚐這個『紫米露black cod』。出奇的是伴汁的的確確就像無糖紫米露的味道,但跟那外脆內軟的black cod併起來,卻又帶出一種新鮮的口味。甜品也是三款組成 -- 朱古力餅、黑加倫子及雲呢拿雪糕、及生果沙律。友人吃過黑加倫子雪糕的樣子就跟IQ博士裡吃過酸梅乾的超人一樣,害得他差點灑下男兒淚。實際上,雪糕是應兩款一起吃才能試出真味道。跟其他菜式一樣,不是靠單一食物的味道,乃是本着art of science的philosophy把不同的食物、不同的味道、不同的質感併在一起帶出新感宮。