one of his ex-classmate in bio-medical engineering has picked up tri-athelon after gradua
another one of his ex-colleague quit his job and just went travelling around the world for 8 months. he also happens to be a paint-ball player, to the extent that he would travel around the u.s. to compete in national championships.
we then met a couple people at his homecoming. one of them is a phd in chemistry, and is now working as a chemist for the government, researching solutions against bio-weapons. he looks absolutely like a geek, and almost impossible to talk in a layman language. but because he is so incapable of talking about anything other than his specialty, you can tell he is really into what he does.
another one is the pennsylvania campaign director for hilary clinton. he shared how he started working as a fund-raiser for the university, and later decided that at this juncture of his life, he could afford to do something that pays very little, but would be a lot of fun, so he decided to join pursue this opportunity to help clinton run.
this has really gotten me into thinking about my own passions. is there anything that i would like to pursue so badly that i would give up my day-time job? or better yet, turn my passion into my job. i grew up doing everything that a parent in hk would like their kids to do, so i studied (though not bright, i got by), i played musical instrument (never really enjoyed it but i did that for 10 years), i sang, i entered the local inter-school competitions, i won sometimes, i graduated with reasonable grades, and got myself a decent job. but this is not quite satisfying as i would have imagined.
i wish i could find something that i am passionate about.