Tuesday, April 1, 2008

teenagers -- part 2

surprise surprise! i'm still helping out with youth group in church!

for a while, i thought it was really tough. i'm so much older than them, there is at least 5 generation gaps between me and them, not to mention we are culturally quite different. but when i saw them last sunday, having come back from a short mission trip in the philippines, and how god has changed their hearts, i'm really thankful!

i have always been hesitant about going on short-term mission trip. guess it's because i always think about efficiency, and short-term mission trip seems like a whole lot of work without being very effective. it's almost impossible to build a relationship with someone local within a few days (or so i thought). guess i never thought about the impact on the person who go, it has been life-changing for many of the teenagers who went, and i could totally see the change in them! thanks be to god!

i should seriously consider going next year, though i'm sure it will be exhausting, i'm sure the rewards will be much greater.

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