Sunday, May 10, 2009

africa is not a country

it's sometimes amusing how people refer to africa as if it is a single country. i heard someone talked about "prince of africa" today, i wonder if anyone talks about "prince of europe". would that be prince charles or prince willem-alexander or prince felipe? if england is different from netherlands, and different from spain, then tunisia is not the same as kenya, and not the same as uganda. they don't even speak the same language.

today, not counting the disputed territory of western sahara, there are 53 countries associated with africa. in my part of world, the image about africa is still very much the same as the picture featured on an NGO's pamphlet 20 years ago. in reality, parts of africa has actually improved, but parts are still undergoing difficulties with their governments, economies, and healthcare systems.

we went to a concert today, featuring watoto choir from uganda. it is estimated that 940,000 children in uganda are orphaned. sponsoring these children's education and day-t0-day expense is only about HK$250 per month. i believe it is through education and providing them with a safe environment to grow up in, that the future of these children and the country and possibly the continent might change. uganda might be unique in the issues she has to deal with, but these children are faced with the same needs as all children around the world. i hope in different parts of africa, similar groups have been established to look after the weak.

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