Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In 20 days, I am going to have the first operation (and hopefully the only) in my life. Though I have fully anticipated its coming, and it's not a complicated surgery, the idea of being unconscious for a few hours still bugs me. I guess I am a control freak, and the thought of losing all control is not particularly comforting. While I know I actually don't have any control over life to start with, somehow I feel that I have some control.

The surgeon explained all the risks and all the possible side effects. All of a sudden, I feel like an investor sitting in the meeting room, listening to the risk disclosure and disclaimer of an investment idea. Weird feeling.

Time to be rational again.


DBJ said...

Will be praying for you.

I have undergone not less than 3 surgeries involving GA in my life (that explains the incredibly small amount of brain cells left in my head and hence my "bun-ness"), and it wasn't that scary actually. You just fall asleep and have a sweet dream while competent doctors work their magic.

Everything will be fine - just lift it up to Him!

沙律 said...

thanks for your prayers. can't imagine you have gone through 3 surgeries already...hope it was not something that serious.