Friday, August 17, 2007


很享受星期六早上做pilates,有一種很舒暢的感覺。更享受運動後(雖然消耗的體力不多),可以給自己一個借口去威靈頓街的蛇竇吃個早餐A。甫踏進蛇竇就有一種莫名的親切感,叫客早餐,伙計會用最傳統的方式落單 -- 大嚷一句『早餐火腿通粉』-- 吃一口煎蛋及方包,呷一口奶茶,整個人立刻精神三分。可惜煎蛋不及澳洲牛奶公司的好味,應該找個機會一併嘆蛇竇奶茶及澳牛煎蛋,那該是最完美的早餐配搭!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

back to basic

i haven't had buffet for quite a long time, especially lunch buffet, simply have passed that stage of desire for such a wide variety of food, but since my friend j wanted to visit ritz carlton's chater lounge before it is torn down, i gladly went along.

there weren't tonnes of food, but it had all the necessary -- salad, cold cuts, and my favourite "siu mai". i particularly enjoyed the main which was broiled prime rib and lamb rack, meat was fresh and juicy, served with gravy and english mustard, simply back to basics. if not for the fact that i have gained so much weight in the past few weeks, i would have gone back for a second round (or even a third round, haha). deserts looked very attractive as well, but for the same reason, i had to skip...sigh...

when a restaurant can deliver good quality food, it doesn't have to serve innovative dishes, just the basics would already win their customers' loyalty. too bad, there isn't much time left before this ritz carlton becomes history.

Sunday, August 12, 2007







> 劇中悲喜交集,一方面覺得《桃花源》有點胡鬧,另一方面覺得《暗戀》有點老土。我向來都覺得悲劇才能感動人心,才能表現出文化人多愁善感的特質,愛看喜劇只因它讓我心情愉悅,能令我(套用劇中那句)「放輕鬆」。難道悲劇才能扣人心弦,喜劇的文化價值又只能停留於娛樂觀眾的層面?

> 可惜只看了香港版,我想三地聯演版定更能突顯出兩地三岸的文化差異。那有點「無厘頭」的《桃花源》,加插著英文字句,尢其突出其「香港特色」。而《暗戀》帶點老土的悲情橋段,則令我聯想到瓊瑤那種六十年代的風格。

> 劇中兩個劇團同時排演的一幕不斷在我腦海出現,一方《桃花源》裡的老陶找到桃花源後仍不斷嚷著要回去武陵,白衣人卻著他不要回去;另一邊箱江濱柳勸妻子回去,別留在醫院陪伴,而他的思緒則不斷回去跟雲之凡分手的上海。


Friday, August 10, 2007

our furry friend

the arrival of this little furry puppy into c's household signifies a step-forward. she is going to be c's companion when she is home by herself. i pray that she will grow up healthily, be a good dog, and be our best friend.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Lunching in Central

I can't remember when I started this almost-weekly lunch with d, but we always enjoy the time when we could talk about work, life, church, friends over a bowl of fish ball noodle soup (魚蛋粉) or treat ourselves to a fancy lunch.

Today, we treated ourselves to Cipriani located in this old building in Central. I have longed for steak tartar since I made reservation, together with marinated salmon, I knew I would have more than enough to fill my stomach. The salmon was delightfully refreshing, which serves as a perfect starter for this ultra hot summer weather. The portion for steak tartar was much larger than what I remember, and it took me quite a while to finish the whole thing. Though I was really full, I couldn’t stop myself from ordering my favourite crepe suzette.

Though it was a pleasant lunch, it wasn’t good value for money. If my memory serves me right, it must have been the most expensive lunch I have ever had (but definitely not the best lunch I have had). Guess we will do a lot more $10 fish ball noodle soup in coming weeks to save up for our next fancy lunch gathering.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

are you reading this from your work computer?

I came across this article while I was pretending to read up on recent financial news, and thought my fellow readers would enjoy it too!

If you are reading this from your work computer, you should pay extra attention!